Mobile Suit Unicorn Gundam Cosmo Fleet Special: Nahel Argama Re.

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The Cosmo Fleet Special (CF-SP) is a series of space battleship figures from MegaHouse, and after seven years, the Gundam series is making a comeback to the collection!

The third model to rejoin the series is an updated version of the Nahel Argama from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. This is a fully pre-painted model that is about 7.48 inches long. One of the features of this updated version is a slightly weathered finish, and it includes water-applied decals to further enhance the realistic appearance.

The model also has an interchangeable mode for the firing state of the Hyper Mega Particle Cannon and captures the rotation of each turret. Also included are parts to open and close the MS hatches on the left and right catapult decks. By placing a mobile suit on the catapult deck, you can take the Gundam universe even further! Enjoy your very own Gundam Fleet with the Cosmo Fleet Special Collection! Pre-painted Model. 

  • Approx. 7.48 inches long (19cm)
  • Made of plastic
  • From the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn anime series
  • Part of the Cosmo Fleet Special line
  • Highly detailed

  • Nahel Argama Re. model
  • 7 Mini mobile suits
    • UC Gundam
    • 3 Jegan
    • 3 ReZEL
  • Stand