Kamen Rider Super-1 is the 17th installment in the classic Showa era tokusatsu show Kamen Rider. The main Rider of the series, Super-1, underwent cybernetic surgery in order to be able to survive in space without a spacesuit, but before he can actually leave the Earth’s surface, the base where he had his surgery is attacked by the Dogma Kingdom! This fantastically modern and highly detailed figure perfectly captures Super-1’s classic look with his shiny silver helmet and armor! Clear parts have been used in his eyes too for an even more realistic feeling. Super-1 also comes with all five of his signature “Five Hands” weapons: Super Hands, Elek Hands, Power Hands, Radar Hands, and Hot/Cold Hands. As with all Tamashii Nations’ S.H.Figuarts action figures, he displays a huge range of articulation too, and with the supplied additional hand parts you can recreate all of his characteristic moves! Add this classic hero to your collection today and celebrate this long-running franchise.